I don't know about you, be we sure do eat a lot of strawberries this time of year. I've also been noticing a lot of very cute strawberry inspired items for the home and I thought I would share some of them with you. Here are some faux strawberries that could be used in some fun summer decorating. Don't they look real? You might have to warn people not to eat them! source Here's a sweet little vintage shaker - perfect for shaking some powdered sugar on those fresh strawberries. source source Isn't this jam pot adorable? source So cute and unique for your spices. source source I am sure tea must taste better when using a tea kettle decorated with strawberries. source I love this strainer with it's black and strawberry theme - so original! source source Strawberry shortcake is a favorite of mine - so good! You can keep the recipe hanging right on your wall. source ...
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