With crunch time for Thanksgiving here in the US quickly approaching, I thought we could stand a little lighthearted fun. I found some images that might put a smile on your face, I know they put one on mine : ) The perfect Thanksgiving. source And here is Marie's version of a healthy Thanksgiving. She was so proud of her Tofurkey! source But I think she may have stolen the idea. source Gotta love this kids smile - and he's being such a good "helper" too. source I hope the guy in the apron shaved his armpits - just sayin'. source This looks like a disaster waiting to happen, right? source No words needed. source Umm . . I didn't realize Julia Child's cooking show was rated "R". source Apparantly you must have these items to prepare a perfect Thanksgiving dinner. I don't know how Grandma ever did it. source With her size 0 waist, I don't think Barbie ever ate a Thanksgiv...